Who is Lhea Alisha
Where to begin...
"Lhea Alisha" was created in 2012 by a mother who had a goal to create a more flexible life for her family after years of chasing a dead-end corporate influenced lifestyle. The idea was to take her Marketing/Branding skills from the music business, her corporate education and other verticals to create a path in the industry she was most passionate about, Automotive.
Lhea combined her 25+ years of modeling experience and used herself as a brand to show businesses her skills!
Through the years of growing the business, Auto Nerd Media was officially created in 2018, the brand needed a name that was more inviting to all automotive businesses who seek branding services.
Services include:
- Public Relations
- Press Release and Distribution
- Media Creation/Distribution
- Brand Influencer
- Brand Management
- Brand Development
- Website Development
- Email Marketing
- Digital Marketing (Ads/SEO)
- Social Media Management
For more information about Auto Nerd Media, please visit AutoNerdMedia.com